
Encryption Middleware

Encryption middleware provides end-to-end encryption for events, step output, and function output. Only encrypted data is sent to Inngest servers: encryption and decryption happen within your infrastructure.


Install the @inngest/middleware-encryption package (GitHub) and configure it as follows:

import { encryptionMiddleware } from "@inngest/middleware-encryption";

// Initialize the middleware
const mw = encryptionMiddleware({
  // your encryption key string should not be hard coded
  key: process.env.MY_ENCRYPTION_KEY,

// Use the middleware with Inngest
const inngest = new Inngest({
  id: "my-app",
  middleware: [mw],

By default, the following will be encrypted:

  • All step data
  • All function output
  • Event data placed inside data.encrypted

Changing the encrypted event.data field

Only select pieces of event data are encrypted. By default, only the data.encrypted field.

This can be customized using the eventEncryptionField: string setting.

Decrypt only mode

To disable encryption but continue decrypting, set decryptOnly: true. This is useful when you want to migrate away from encryption but still need to process older events.

Fallback decryption keys

To attempt decryption with multiple keys, set the fallbackDecryptionKeys parameter. This is useful when rotating keys, since older events may have been encrypted with a different key:

// start out with the current key
  key: process.env.MY_ENCRYPTION_KEY,

// deploy all services with the new key as a decryption fallback
  key: process.env.MY_ENCRYPTION_KEY,
  fallbackDecryptionKeys: ["new"],

// deploy all services using the new key for encryption
  key: process.env.MY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_V2,
  fallbackDecryptionKeys: ["current"],

// once you are sure all data using the "current" key has passed, phase it out
  key: process.env.MY_ENCRYPTION_KEY_V2,

Cross-language support

This middleware is compatible with our encryption middleware in our TypeScript SDK. Encrypted events can be sent from Python and decrypted in TypeScript, and vice versa.