
Events & Triggers

Inngest functions are triggered asynchronously by events coming from various sources, including:

You can customize each of these triggers in multiple ways:

Why events?

Using Events to trigger Inngest Functions instead of direct invocations offers a lot of flexibility:

  • Events can trigger multiple Inngest Functions.
  • Events can be used to synchronize Inngest Function runs with cancellation and “wait for event” step.
  • Events can be leveraged to trigger Functions across multiple applications.
  • Similar Events can be grouped together for faster processing.

Events act as a convenient mapping between your application actions (ex, user.signup) and your application's code (ex, sendWelcomeEmail() and importContacts()):

Illustration of a demo application sending a "user.signup" event to the Inngest Platform which triggers two Inngest Functions: sendWelcomeEmail and importContacts.

Learn more about Events